Your Identityon Linea
The Linea identity stack empowers you to take full control of your digital identity and reputation.
Тaking control of your digital identity means that you have the authority, autonomy, and tools to manage your personal information, decide who can access it, and control how it is used across digital platforms. It enables you to protect your privacy, verify your identity, and manage how you interact in the digital world without relying on third-party control or centralized entities.
In web3 you can prove your humanity and leverage your digital reputation for seamless onchain transactions and diverse interactions with dapps, and you can also foster personal connections by affiliating with onchain communities.
On Linea, we are building a human-centric identity system that empowers you to take control, optimize management, and unlock the full value of your onchain identity.
The Linea
identity stack
Linea Names
The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) on Linea
Linea Names allows you to switch your 42 character Ethereum wallet addresses into a human-readable domain, such as username.linea.eth. Claiming a Linea name helps you take ownership of your onchain identity and begin to build an onchain profile.
By claiming a single canonical identifier across the ecosystem, you can streamline how you receive funds and interact with Linea dapps. On the other hand, dapps can use the data shared from your onchain profile to create consistent and coherent user experiences, making navigating Linea feel more natural and intuitive.
Proof of Humanity
Your onchain human verification record
Human verification helps protect communities against sybils and bots. For users, attaining PoH provides a credential that can be used across the ecosystem, granting access to increasing benefits. For builders, Linea’s PoH system offers a free-to-use database of real users in the ecosystem.
Your onchain attestation registry
Verax is an open-source, public registry designed to store onchain attestations for enhanced discoverability and composability. It is one of the largest registries and providers of proof of humanity attestations in web3 with 6M attestations and over 1.5 million unique users.
For users, it enables the collection of attestations to create an onchain reputation. It also enables the seamless linking of attestations to compose an onchain profile. These accumulated attestations can vouch for behavior, trustworthiness, or skill levels, potentially unlocking access to unique products or rewards.
With onchain user data, dapps can filter out sybils and bots, gain insight into their customer base, and also offer tailored experiences and rewards to users with specific attestations.
All This is Only the Beginning
The identity and reputation team at Linea is working toward lowering barriers to entry, expanding utility of the above tools, and developing identity based reward programs.
More coming soon.
Sovereign Identity in Action
There are many kinds of sovereignty possible through participation onchain. We invite you to explicitly declare your personal sovereignty, and attest to the kinds of sovereignty that are most important to you.